Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 23, 2013---想唔想飲雞湯呀?

On this Saturday morning, she saw all her therapists: OT, ST and PT before 10:30 AM! She was fed the cranberry liquid by mouth, ugh!!!! 好難食! Sour and bad tasting....she did swallow slowly, we prodded her on....and she finished. The Speech Therapist (the weekend one) asked what she likes to eat?

I said something like 穆記牛肉麪....
Oh, then maybe she can sip some beef broth or chicken soup!! The ST said.....
I turned to Mom and asked her in simple Cantonese: 想唔想飲雞湯呀?
She nodded right away.....her eyes brightened!

Next, we need to ask Dr. Si if she can sip and swallow chicken broth for speech therapy!
Maybe she can share chicken soup with her two sons very soon!!

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