Tuesday, March 5, 2013

10th updates 3/6/13

Good Morning !

Yesterday Mom was tired . After the urine tube was removed her belly ballooned up and was as hard a a rock. We called the nurse to release the urine but her stomach is still big so at night they put the urine tube back again. She had a good night and this morning is more alert. Masriah is still coming,Mom seem to like her and this morning She gave Mom a pedicure.

Eunice is still here today as we are expecting Stephen and phoebe.

Last evening, 台中的汪牧師,師母來看媽媽 mom recognized them and kept starring at them and move her mouth to say something. This is the most we saw Mom moved her mouth. After she was exhausted. We believe this is a big step in recovering her speech.

Take care, will update again soon!


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