Sunday, March 10, 2013

Guest update 3/10/13

Hi everyone! Linnet here again!

I'm amazed at how many apple products we have in this hospital room!
We've got some very tech savvy family!

Cliff has been giving some iPad lessons to the aunties.

After Aunty Alice returns to the USA, the main iPad for FaceTime-ing will be through Nai Nai's God daughter, Szuyu's iPad. Please add her address to your account. It's:

Well, I'm a year older today. I'm happy to be able to spend this day with Nai Nai, my parents and Aunty Alice and Aunty Eunice! It's not so often we can gather together. How old am I now? You can look at the candles on the cake :)

We are leaving for the airport soon! We hope to come back again soon!

Signing off now.

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