Sunday, March 10, 2013

Guest update 3/9/13

Hi everyone! Linnet here.

We are here in Taipei for the weekend. Initially we were planning to go to Bangkok for a quick get away but decided to switch the destination to Taipei to see Nai Nai. It's our very first time to travel without the girls. Luckily Rebecca is taking a good care of them along with our super nanny.

Today Nai Nai was sleeping all afternoon. She finally woke up in the evening and we had a very fun FaceTime session with Uncle Johnny, Uncle Joseph, Aunty Peggy, Wayne, Eileen and got to peek a bit of baby Nathan sleeping!

Nai Nai seems to be doing well and improving! The Indonesian helper is very nice and very hands on. Thank God for his great timing and His provisions.

Here are some photos from today (after Aunty Alice went home!)

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