Thursday, March 7, 2013

12th updates 3/8/13

Today is a busy day and we have a lot of people visiting. Stephen and phoebe came to visit and Linnet and Clifford also came from Hong Kong. They stayed with Mom while Eunice and I went the the broadcasting station to get on air to thank people for their support and prayer for us and for Mom.

Her back sore is healing nicely and we don't need to use a ballon on her button ,which could be very uncomfortable. She is sitting up longer each session and mostly can hold herself upright.

The doctor decided that she don't need to use the 化痰藥 because she can 吐痰 on her own.
Yesterday she started turning herself (only from left to right) but we are delighted. Please continue to pray for the day nurse , we hope that we can have the one we like to take care of Mom before Eunice and I leave Taipei.

The nurse wash her hair today and she is looking good.she even moved her right hand a little bit.

Take care, everyone, sorry I am late today.


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