Monday, March 11, 2013

16th update 3/12/13

Good morning everyone. It is very warm here and the weather is perfect.

When we arrived at the hospital Mom is already sitting up and later standing up. She stood longer today and breath normally. Joe is here already resuming his duty and always like to message her fingers.

Mom had a chest and stomach X-ray and found out her stomach has a lot of stow so they are using medicine to relieve her. In the afternoon her heart rate raise rapidly and she had a EKG so the doctor gave her one more heart pill. She is back to normal now.

Her right hand is getting better and sometimes she like to move the rubber clip on her finger which is connect to a monitor. She can express her wish better and we believe she will recover soon. Just pray for that.

This will be my last blog from Taiwan, thanks for tuning in.
Eunice and I will return to the US This afternoon.


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