Monday, March 4, 2013

9th updates 3/5/13

Today is Tuesday and I am in the hospital updating you all about Mom condition. Eunice stayed with Mom last night with the night nurse and I went time by myself.

Yesterday during the day, Mom slept a little less than the day before. The physical therapist came in the morning and Mom sat up very well. In the afternoon around 3 o'clock , Mom lifted up her head and wanted to sit up again, so we helped her up and a few minutes later, 譚國英 and 梁麗丹from Hong Kong 611 came to visit her. They came especially to visit her from Hong Kong so Mom decided to sit and welcome her guest, she even smiled slightly, at least 不是苦臉.

Less than a hour later, the Facial therapist showed up and Mom was willing to sit up once again. 媽媽好捧啊.

The helper washed her hair in the morning so she is 好香 .

She had a hard time moving her bowl movement last night, Doctor decided to remove her urine tube and add one more stow softener pill. They also cut her blood sugar testing from 4 times A day to twice a day.

Eunice went home for a rest and Masriah and I are here. Mom is resting and that's why I can write more.

Sign off for now!

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