Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Update on 4/4/13

Greeting from Taiwan via Los Angeles

As promised I "Face Time" with Joe again at the hospital.
PTL Mom is looking much better with her eyes wide open. The pastor ( her latest godson) and his wife from Hong Kong are visiting her when I called.

This is what Joe told me:

Mom is better today, but she had a bad night and didn't sleep well. At 5 am she was injected heart medicine, and was given heart medicine every 6 hours. Apparently the two kinds of antibiotics are working and the toxin in her blood has gone down. Mom is passing more urine thus the doctor is cutting out one antibiotic.

Mom is still having therapies but not at the rate that she used to. Only simple stretching.
Her bedsore has reduced in size and she seems to recognize people. Mom still has the big plastic tube on her face which force oxygen into her. She couldn't do the speech therapy because of the oxygen cup on her mouth.

Only Masriah is staying with her at nights and seem to handle well.

Talk to you all in two days, remember to pray for Mom and May God's will be done.

P.s. I am going to copy this blog to the "family" email I sent out, if I missed anyone and you think they should be informed, please forward the message on.

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