Sunday, April 7, 2013


Update from Taiwan with Joe :

This is the last interview with Joe until he returns from Japan next Tuesday (4/16/13). Phoebe will be with Mom while Joe is gone for the week.

The first thing I saw this evening was Mom with her big eyes and her oxygen mask about 2 inches from her mouth. Joe said they are giving her a short break because the mask is very tight against her face.

For the last couple of days, Mom was more stable, she slept better and the doctor is trying to reduce the volume of the oxygen from 17 to 15 gradually. Mom is getting insulin shots 4 times a day,while they are adjusting the amount of medicine for her blood sugar. She is passing more urine with the help of the diuretic medicine. Her heart beat and her breathing is improving. She has IV in her arm injecting heart and antibiotic medicines. She sat for awhile today because She wanted to stretch a bit.

The assistant physician came in Mom's room to discussed Mom's condition, she said from the X-Ray, they saw that there is still water in Mom's lung and they will stop the warfarin (blood thinner)medicine and try to take the water out of her lung this coming Thursday. Please pray for safety during this treatment. No more salt with her food for now.

Joseph is looking better today because he will see his "honey" soon. :).

I will call phoebe in two days' time to get more update on Mom for the rest of us.

Good night or good day, everyone. Continue to pray for Mom !!!

Reporting from Los Angeles,
With Love,

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