Monday, April 1, 2013

Update on 4/2/13 Taiwan Time

Hi everyone, this is Alice again.

After talking to Stephen and Joe via Face Time ,this is what is happening to Mom.

A few days ago Mom was supposed to be discharged from the hospital but she was not able to leave the hospital because her heart rate was very high and the oxygen in her blood was low.

This morning,She was breathing heavily and when they showed her to me via Facebook she was wearing a black respiratory mask which is forcing more oxygen into her.

Her urinary tract was infected, her bedsore is healing good,but she has too much urine in her body which resulted in toxin in her blood. The doctor has prescribed two antibiotic medicines to combat this problem but it will take 7 days for it to take effect.

Phoebe had her eye operation and she should be well enough to help out in about 2 days.stephen
Will leave on 4/5 and return on 4/10. Joe is leaving 4/8. Joe and Peggy are planning a trip to France from 6/24 through 7/24.

They need someone to commit sometimes.( at least 2 weeks ) to be with Mom during Joe's absence.
We don't need to buy the plane ticket yet as Mom's condition is unstable but they want some assurance that someone is going to be by Mom's side when Joe is not available.

Let all pray for Mom's recovery and mostly for less suffering. Also pray and set a schedule to release Jose's and Stephen's families over the summer.

Sorry I don't have good news to report but I know all of you are concern about Mom's condition and this is what I understood the situation from Joe right now. The connection to the hospital is not good and we have to reconnect several times.

May God's will be done and we know that God knows best, so pray,pray and pray


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