Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Update on 4/10/13 Taiwan morning

Dear Family and Friends,

Once again we are updating Mom's condition. Phoebe and 蘇燕 are with Mom in the hospital.
Of course Masriah is there.

I was told, for the past two days, Mom was very unstable, the monitor beside her bed kept sounding because her heart beats were high ranging as high as 192 .When I "Face time" with them Mom's oxygen in her blood read 56. Mom's condition is consider critical!

Mom's blood sugar is high, measured at 357 and she was given insulin injection and antibiotic medicine. The doctor came early in the morning so he didn't talk to the family. The assistance doctor met with Phoebe and told her that they will us 安寜的方法 to treat Mom. Mom 好辛苦. My heart ache for her, may God has mercy and comfort and touch her in His special way. I tried to take a picture of Mom but was unsuccessful, maybe it is a good thing because you really don't want to see Mom suffers.

All therapies have halted due to Mom's condition. The doctor has taken out 600cc of water from her lung yesterday evening. Her breathing is laborious and they turned the oxygen volume to the highest (15) .Mom still is fed 5 cans of the nutrition milk, but her digestion is not too good.

Phoebe said that Stephen might return to Taiwan today or tomorrow.

At this point, we are helpless but are all learning to trust Our God fully, knowing God's way is best.

Hate to leave you all at this down note, but this is what a reporter suppose to do, to tell it as it is!

Take Care everyone, make sure to tell your love ones you love them.



Will report again in two days.

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