Saturday, April 13, 2013

Update on 4/14/13 Farewell

Dear Family and Friends,

On 4/14/13 1:20pm Taiwan time, Mom has gone to be with The Lord. I believe that she is now resting in God's blossom with no more sufferings and pain. She can finally hear God's praise of " Good and Faithful Servant, come and enjoy the feast I have prepared for you. "

We are all sad to see Mom goes, but we can draw comfort in knowing that she is now in a much better place and is with our Lord.

Thank you all for your prayers. I just FaceTime with Taipei and saw Mom's face, no more oxygen tube attached to her face and looking peaceful.

We don't know any arrangement yet, will notify when I receive more information.

Blessing and love,

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Update on 4/12/13 Taiwan Time

Dear Family and Friends,

I tried to "Face Time" with Phoebe at 11:30am Taiwan time but they did not hear my rings. I tried again an hour later at 1:30pm and 蘇燕 came on the line.Stephen and phoebe have left for lunch.

She said Mom was not doing well yesterday especially the night before. The monitor kept beeping 思瑜 also stayed over night at the hospital. Mom had a better night last night so Mom is much better today. When I called, her eyes are wide opened and she even yawned. She seem to be watching TV.

The doctor has prescribed another medicine which seems to help her. Even thought they have taken out 600cc water from her lung on Tuesday but they found there is still water in her right and left lung caused by her heart problem.

Her vital signs are better, heart beat at 118, oxygen in her blood is now 38 compares to 56 last time. Her blood sugar is still high at 260 but was given medicine via injection before her "meal" she can still 吐痰, which is a good sign. Her bedsore is healing nicely so she just needs to be turned every 3 hours at night.

Thank God, Mom is improving . Thank you for all your prayers!

I am suppose to contact with Taiwan on their Sunday morning which is my Saturday night. Since Sunday most of them will be at church and I have family meeting on Saturday night, we will report in three day's time instead.

Please keep praying and trusting God .

Thanks for the comments on my reports, this way I know you are all keeping up with Mom's conditions and remembering her in your prayers.

Take care, talk to you next time.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Update on 4/10/13 Taiwan morning

Dear Family and Friends,

Once again we are updating Mom's condition. Phoebe and 蘇燕 are with Mom in the hospital.
Of course Masriah is there.

I was told, for the past two days, Mom was very unstable, the monitor beside her bed kept sounding because her heart beats were high ranging as high as 192 .When I "Face time" with them Mom's oxygen in her blood read 56. Mom's condition is consider critical!

Mom's blood sugar is high, measured at 357 and she was given insulin injection and antibiotic medicine. The doctor came early in the morning so he didn't talk to the family. The assistance doctor met with Phoebe and told her that they will us 安寜的方法 to treat Mom. Mom 好辛苦. My heart ache for her, may God has mercy and comfort and touch her in His special way. I tried to take a picture of Mom but was unsuccessful, maybe it is a good thing because you really don't want to see Mom suffers.

All therapies have halted due to Mom's condition. The doctor has taken out 600cc of water from her lung yesterday evening. Her breathing is laborious and they turned the oxygen volume to the highest (15) .Mom still is fed 5 cans of the nutrition milk, but her digestion is not too good.

Phoebe said that Stephen might return to Taiwan today or tomorrow.

At this point, we are helpless but are all learning to trust Our God fully, knowing God's way is best.

Hate to leave you all at this down note, but this is what a reporter suppose to do, to tell it as it is!

Take Care everyone, make sure to tell your love ones you love them.



Will report again in two days.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Update from Taiwan with Joe :

This is the last interview with Joe until he returns from Japan next Tuesday (4/16/13). Phoebe will be with Mom while Joe is gone for the week.

The first thing I saw this evening was Mom with her big eyes and her oxygen mask about 2 inches from her mouth. Joe said they are giving her a short break because the mask is very tight against her face.

For the last couple of days, Mom was more stable, she slept better and the doctor is trying to reduce the volume of the oxygen from 17 to 15 gradually. Mom is getting insulin shots 4 times a day,while they are adjusting the amount of medicine for her blood sugar. She is passing more urine with the help of the diuretic medicine. Her heart beat and her breathing is improving. She has IV in her arm injecting heart and antibiotic medicines. She sat for awhile today because She wanted to stretch a bit.

The assistant physician came in Mom's room to discussed Mom's condition, she said from the X-Ray, they saw that there is still water in Mom's lung and they will stop the warfarin (blood thinner)medicine and try to take the water out of her lung this coming Thursday. Please pray for safety during this treatment. No more salt with her food for now.

Joseph is looking better today because he will see his "honey" soon. :).

I will call phoebe in two days' time to get more update on Mom for the rest of us.

Good night or good day, everyone. Continue to pray for Mom !!!

Reporting from Los Angeles,
With Love,

Friday, April 5, 2013

4/6/13 Taiwan update on Mom

Hi family and Friends,

I interviewed Joe on Face Time again just now.
Mom is stable today but still needs to wear the big mask for oxygen.
Her condition is unpredictable so Joe said he is always 提心吊膽 .It seems in the morning hours Mom's heart beat raises ,like this morning it was up to 170-180, but while I was talking to Joe it was down to 123. Mom is not breathing heavily which is a good thing. But Joe said 媽媽很痛苦.

The doctor is giving injection to help Mom pass urine, she is passing about 1500cc but not enough. They have changed to another antibiotic to take care of the toxin in the blood. Her stomach is smaller. Her blood sugar is around 300-400, and was given insulin injection.

Phoebe will go to the hospital tomorrow, Stephen has returned to Shanghai but will go back to Taiwan next Tuesday.

I saw Mom via Face Time, but she was sleeping.

This is all for now, I will Face Time Joe next Monday (Taipei time) before he will return to Japan for a well deserved rest..


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Update on 4/4/13

Greeting from Taiwan via Los Angeles

As promised I "Face Time" with Joe again at the hospital.
PTL Mom is looking much better with her eyes wide open. The pastor ( her latest godson) and his wife from Hong Kong are visiting her when I called.

This is what Joe told me:

Mom is better today, but she had a bad night and didn't sleep well. At 5 am she was injected heart medicine, and was given heart medicine every 6 hours. Apparently the two kinds of antibiotics are working and the toxin in her blood has gone down. Mom is passing more urine thus the doctor is cutting out one antibiotic.

Mom is still having therapies but not at the rate that she used to. Only simple stretching.
Her bedsore has reduced in size and she seems to recognize people. Mom still has the big plastic tube on her face which force oxygen into her. She couldn't do the speech therapy because of the oxygen cup on her mouth.

Only Masriah is staying with her at nights and seem to handle well.

Talk to you all in two days, remember to pray for Mom and May God's will be done.

P.s. I am going to copy this blog to the "family" email I sent out, if I missed anyone and you think they should be informed, please forward the message on.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Update on 4/2/13 Taiwan Time

Hi everyone, this is Alice again.

After talking to Stephen and Joe via Face Time ,this is what is happening to Mom.

A few days ago Mom was supposed to be discharged from the hospital but she was not able to leave the hospital because her heart rate was very high and the oxygen in her blood was low.

This morning,She was breathing heavily and when they showed her to me via Facebook she was wearing a black respiratory mask which is forcing more oxygen into her.

Her urinary tract was infected, her bedsore is healing good,but she has too much urine in her body which resulted in toxin in her blood. The doctor has prescribed two antibiotic medicines to combat this problem but it will take 7 days for it to take effect.

Phoebe had her eye operation and she should be well enough to help out in about 2 days.stephen
Will leave on 4/5 and return on 4/10. Joe is leaving 4/8. Joe and Peggy are planning a trip to France from 6/24 through 7/24.

They need someone to commit sometimes.( at least 2 weeks ) to be with Mom during Joe's absence.
We don't need to buy the plane ticket yet as Mom's condition is unstable but they want some assurance that someone is going to be by Mom's side when Joe is not available.

Let all pray for Mom's recovery and mostly for less suffering. Also pray and set a schedule to release Jose's and Stephen's families over the summer.

Sorry I don't have good news to report but I know all of you are concern about Mom's condition and this is what I understood the situation from Joe right now. The connection to the hospital is not good and we have to reconnect several times.

May God's will be done and we know that God knows best, so pray,pray and pray
