Thursday, February 28, 2013

4th update 2/28/13

After the nurse left yesterday,we are managing Ok. Eunice and Joanna took over night duty.
Mimi and I have day duty. Szuyu and other friends also came and help. Her weight is 43.5kg
Joe and Stephen will return to Japan and Shanghai respectively. Stephen will return on the 3/6 and joe will return on 3/11 as Eunice and I will return to US on 3/11.

We have decided to have two nurse, one day time and one night time hopefully they will be more effective. One night nurse will start tomorrow night and hopefully we will be able to find a day time nurse, one candidate will come for interview a little bit later.

Over all Mom seems to be More comfortable but still not stable.Please continue to pray for her recover.
The schedule for those coming
Lois and Joanna 2/23 to 3/3
Joseph 2/11 to 3/1
Eunice 2/23 to 3/12
Alice 2/25 to 3/12
Joseph 3/11 to open
Peggy 3/18 to 3/25

It will be good to come after 3/25.

Sign off for now


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

3rd update 2/27/13 supplement

Here are some pictures taken last night after duty at the hospital. Stephen's treat

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

3rd update 2/27/13

Today is Wednesday and we just arrived at the hospital.. Mom had a good night but seemed very very tired. The 24hrs nurse is tired so she is going home this afternoon. They are trying to send a substitute. Eunice and Joanna will stay with her tonight. Things are quiet but need to be on guide.

My jet lag is adjusting slowly,.hope it will be better soon.

So much for now. Will update when there is change..

Stephen treated us all for hot pot last night.. It is not often we are together at the same time..


2nd Update 2/26/13

Dear All ,

Mom is stable today, but she sleeps a lot.  She didn't like the monitor clip that was put on her finger so she tries to slip it off. But when we put the clip on her right finger, she is stuck with it.
She still couldn't talk and it really frustrates her. Not much more to report, I am just trying the blog


Monday, February 25, 2013

First update 2/26/13

We are thinking of using a blog to inform all that love Mom to know her current condition.
This is a test and We hope that this method will work better for all of us..
